Vashi Visuals

When seeking knowledge about film studies, movie reviews, editing tips, etc. my go-to platform is typically YouTube. I’m certainly more of a visual learner and I retain much more information when I can watch and listen. The only blogs I check regularly are ones that post articles such as “10 Ways to Save Space in Your Kitchen.” Although, in my recent search for filmmaking blogs I stumbled across one that held my attention for longer than I’d care to admit. It’s entitled Vashi Visuals and it’s managed by a company of the same name. Vashi Nedomansky has worked as an editor on films such as “Sharknado 2” and “That Which I Love Destroys Me,” and has consulted on blockbusters such as “Gone Girl” and “Deadpool”.

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Vashi’s minimalist style was immediately intriguing to me. He has organized his blog quite well and has made it simple to locate exactly what you’re interested in. He seems to have a pretty decent following because visitors are constantly commenting on the posts. His most popular post last year was an explanation of why the editing of “Mad Max: Fury Road” did a great job of avoiding the popular “Cinema Chaos” editing style of today’s action films. It’s an interesting read.Screen Shot 2016-01-19 at 3.33.25 PMMy favorite section of the blog (a rabbit hole in which I spent many hours) is the editing category. Nedomansky is incredibly knowledgable and in the first 10 minutes of skimming the first couple web pages, I was finding all kinds of information I hadn’t read before. In this section you can find resources such as editing tips and software shortcuts, as well as a video on why director Tim Miller chose to use Adobe Premiere for his film Deadpool. I would also encourage all of you to read his 1-Page Film School post, which is a detailed insight into the directing, editing, writing, sound design and cinematography of the classic film “Raiders of the Lost Ark” (which Vashi Nedomansky has admittedly seen nearly 100 times). Overall, this blog is bursting with riveting information and has the potential to captivate its visitors for hours. Check it out if you have the chance:

-Georgia Harter

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